Saturday 31 August 2019

Tips for Creating a Positive Atmosphere at Home

positive atmosphere at home

It seems strange to think of the possibility that our moods can be affected by our home atmosphere, but they most certainly are. Think about it. If your home is dim, cluttered and uninviting, naturally you're demotivated by the setting. In this circumstance, it will often leave you feeling in down or negative moods.

Creating a space at home that is positive, clean, and comfortable is so important to me. I'll be the first person to admit, I'm not always the most social of people. I'm more than happy with a night in at home as opposed to a night out on the town. That's why I have invested time and thought into home behavioural and style choices. I've always wanted to make our home a happy and loving environment that we can come home to after a long working day. If you have a similar wish, I've put together a few tips to help add a positive atmosphere to your home:

De-clutter your home
The expression "tidy house, tidy mind" comes to mind here, and it is most definitely true. I feel so much clearer after a good old sort out. Whether its clothes, books, or dvds, the Marie Kondo method is generally fabulous - if it doesn't spark joy when you hold it, it is time to part ways. Getting rid of items doesn't need to be a sad experience, it should be a time of clarity and looking forward to the future.

Satisfy your senses with homely aromas
A home should satisfy your senses. However, an important one that commonly gets overlooked is smell. Whether its delicate or strong smells that delight your senses, compliment your home with mood-boosting aromas. My favourite way to do this is to light my favourite candles or purchase a new fragrant diffuser. Other ways include burning incense sticks or purchasing potpourri. Popular scents include Lavender for relaxation or other floral fragrances for a sense of freshness.

home decor

Add happiness with colour
I'll admit it. With regards to homewares, I'm so in favour of modern whites and gorgeous greys that I am totally predictable. However, I do enjoy spicing up my home with a pop of bright colour in the form of a floral arrangement or two. If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that flower arranging is a hobby I have recently picked up, and I'm seriously enjoying it. From a young girl, I have always admired the imperfect perfection of flowers and how they naturally carry so much life and joy. That's why I adore having them in my home, especially if I'm having a rough time. It's a delight to be reminded of happiness, nature and life.

Invest in air purifying and decorative house plants
On the subject of floral appreciation, another realm of natural beauty that I am adoring is being the owner of house plants. Much like arrangements, they bring life and nature to a space - which is especially wonderful if you're renting and not allowed pets. Difficulty of house plants can vary by variety, but generally, most are pretty straight forward to look after. My collection isn't huge currently, because:
a) We do not have much space in our apartment
b) My track record isn't great up until now
Although, I am determined to make a go of it and be a proper 'house plant mum' this time. So far my two orchids are doing great. Next, I'd absolutely love to add the ever so Instagram famous "swiss cheese plant" or as it is technically termed, the Monstera Deliciosa. Not only do house plants provoke an innate appreciation in us, but they also re-oxygenate the air, giving you a breath of fresh air after a long day.

home comforts
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