Friday, 25 October 2019

Dealing with Darker Evenings and Darker Mornings

darker evenings and mornings tips

dealing with darker evenings

It's that time of year where we find ourselves waking up in the dark and coming home from work in the dark. It's definitely not my favourite thing about the Autumn and Winter seasons, but there are ways that we can help ourselves deal with the darker mornings and nights.

Make your home cosy and well-lit

I adore lighting up the home with pretty tea-lights and scented candles in the darker months. By adding more light to your living space, you'll feel instantly more comfortable when you walk through the door and feel happy to be inside during the darker nights. Another way to add light to your apartment is to add affordable battery powered fairy lights to give your space an extra sparkle. As I have many vases in the apartment, if I do not have flowers arranged inside them, I will pop a tangled collection of dainty fairy lights inside for a whimsical effect.

Fluffy blankets are also a great idea during the colder months, they may be piled neatly in the corner all summer, but now is when you will get your use!

Become a morning person

The day feels so much more productive and fulfilling when you get up early and begin ticking tasks off of your to-do list. Although it's tough at first, you will soon train your body clock into a comfortable routine. If you find getting up in the dark extra tough, you may find a light clock a worthwhile purchase. The device gradually wakes you up by using light, instead of a sound alarm.

become a morning person

Keep up with exercise and look out for your wellbeing

You may be feeling more demotivated to get going than you did in summer, but if you can push through, the endorphins will be the kickstart that you need. Exercise not only has physical benefits but it is incredibly good for the mind. You will feel more satisfied and tired by the end of the day, leading you to getting a healthier nights sleep.

It's all too easy to slip off the bandwagon with your diet at this time of year - especially as festive treats have already begun hitting the shelves! Try to stay on track with your diet 80% of the time. You will feel less lethargic and more energised as a result.

Use light boxes at work

If you're like me and find yourself at a desk for the majority of your week, you may find a light box particularly helpful at this time of year. Bright light has been proven to put you in a better mood and leave you feeling more energised. Boxes such as these are a convenient way of introducing bright light therapy into your day during darker days.

Add Vitamin D supplements into your daily routine

When our bodies are exposed to sunlight, we produce levels of Vitamin D. Vitamin D has a range of benefits, but one of the key benefits is that it helps boost our moods. Individuals with lower levels of Vitamin D may find themselves more likely to suffer from anxiety or depression. As the activity of the sun is lowered through the colder months, Vitamin D supplements will help make up for the loss of naturally made Vitamin D. You can buy these cheaply from local supermarkets or health stores.

Shop the look

Teddy Coat

Baker Boy Hat (similar)

Black Skinny Jeans 

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