Saturday 31 August 2019

Tips for Creating a Positive Atmosphere at Home

positive atmosphere at home

It seems strange to think of the possibility that our moods can be affected by our home atmosphere, but they most certainly are. Think about it. If your home is dim, cluttered and uninviting, naturally you're demotivated by the setting. In this circumstance, it will often leave you feeling in down or negative moods.

Creating a space at home that is positive, clean, and comfortable is so important to me. I'll be the first person to admit, I'm not always the most social of people. I'm more than happy with a night in at home as opposed to a night out on the town. That's why I have invested time and thought into home behavioural and style choices. I've always wanted to make our home a happy and loving environment that we can come home to after a long working day. If you have a similar wish, I've put together a few tips to help add a positive atmosphere to your home:

De-clutter your home
The expression "tidy house, tidy mind" comes to mind here, and it is most definitely true. I feel so much clearer after a good old sort out. Whether its clothes, books, or dvds, the Marie Kondo method is generally fabulous - if it doesn't spark joy when you hold it, it is time to part ways. Getting rid of items doesn't need to be a sad experience, it should be a time of clarity and looking forward to the future.

Satisfy your senses with homely aromas
A home should satisfy your senses. However, an important one that commonly gets overlooked is smell. Whether its delicate or strong smells that delight your senses, compliment your home with mood-boosting aromas. My favourite way to do this is to light my favourite candles or purchase a new fragrant diffuser. Other ways include burning incense sticks or purchasing potpourri. Popular scents include Lavender for relaxation or other floral fragrances for a sense of freshness.

home decor

Add happiness with colour
I'll admit it. With regards to homewares, I'm so in favour of modern whites and gorgeous greys that I am totally predictable. However, I do enjoy spicing up my home with a pop of bright colour in the form of a floral arrangement or two. If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that flower arranging is a hobby I have recently picked up, and I'm seriously enjoying it. From a young girl, I have always admired the imperfect perfection of flowers and how they naturally carry so much life and joy. That's why I adore having them in my home, especially if I'm having a rough time. It's a delight to be reminded of happiness, nature and life.

Invest in air purifying and decorative house plants
On the subject of floral appreciation, another realm of natural beauty that I am adoring is being the owner of house plants. Much like arrangements, they bring life and nature to a space - which is especially wonderful if you're renting and not allowed pets. Difficulty of house plants can vary by variety, but generally, most are pretty straight forward to look after. My collection isn't huge currently, because:
a) We do not have much space in our apartment
b) My track record isn't great up until now
Although, I am determined to make a go of it and be a proper 'house plant mum' this time. So far my two orchids are doing great. Next, I'd absolutely love to add the ever so Instagram famous "swiss cheese plant" or as it is technically termed, the Monstera Deliciosa. Not only do house plants provoke an innate appreciation in us, but they also re-oxygenate the air, giving you a breath of fresh air after a long day.

home comforts
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- use code EVIELBOUX20 at checkout for 20% off

Follow me on Instagram @evieroselane

Tips for Creating a Positive Atmosphere at Home

Thursday 18 April 2019

AD - It's Time to De-stress

As we look upon the bank holiday weekend with open arms and a sigh of relief, it's time to discuss the art of de-stressing. I call it an art because now days, it is increasingly difficult to switch off from one thing to the next: from work, to family life, or simply just me time. I've been an over-thinker and a worrier my whole life, but as I'm now in full swing adulthood and responsibilities pile on, I actively reflect on these moments. I reflect not to stress about them further, but instead to learn why they happen and how I can improve.

If you find it tough to switch off your mind after a long day, or you worry endlessly about the future, I guarantee that you are not alone. Honestly, the most important thing to try to do is to live in the present moment. Of course, don't actively ignore your future, because planning ahead is also important. What I mean to say is, if you are sat stressing out about things that you can't control, take a breath. Ask yourself, why am I letting this take over my own time? Why am I so concerned with what others think of me, to the point where I cannot relax?

Over the last few years in particular, I've learned and developed a few techniques of my own to help me de-stress and switch off my mind. When I recognise these moments of stress, I often decide to switch off from my mobile phone and put it away on charge. This gives my mind a moment to stop checking emails, stop comparing on social media (even if I am not meaning to), and to not worry about replying to messages when I simply need to take a break.

I find taking a walk and breathing in the fresh air extremely helpful. Having grown up in a rural village in the English countryside, this always reminds me of my roots. Not only that, but the marvel of nature is really quite something when you take a second to appreciate it. How a tree grows stronger and taller over hundreds of years - the expression "gentle giants" comes to mind. How flowers blossom from a bud to a bloom, each unique in every way. I also like to bring a little nature indoors by dressing my home with lovingly arranged bouquets.

This week, I have selected a bouquet filled with vintage blue irises and white avalanche roses from Haute Florist's "Blue Beauty" bouquet. This elegant arrangement compliments my modern-look apartment wonderfully. Bright blooms such as these, light up the room and bring a reminder of colour and joy to any home. If you're a reader of my blog, you'll already know my love for roses. The iris is also one of my favourites, and a goddess of the varieties at that. Symbolising elegance and wisdom, the Greek for iris is translated as rainbow. As many say, "with rain comes rainbows" and any reminder of that should most definitely be welcomed in times of hardship. I am someone who would much rather treat myself to a bouquet than a box of chocolates or a drink at the bar!

~ Links to Shop ~
Blue Beauty Bouquet (as featured)

Other suggestions that you may like:

*AD - Paid partnership. This post contains sponsored content

AD - It's Time to De-stress

Monday 25 March 2019

AD - Give the Gift of Gratitude This Mother's Day

Sometimes it's very easy to become swept up in daily life, deadlines, and dramas - so much so that we don't communicate as much as we should or show care as much as we should.

As Mother's Day approaches, it gives us that opportunity to appreciate our one and only in the most delightful and traditional way.

This week I've teamed up with Haute Florist to showcase the beautiful bouquet that they have lovingly created for Mother's Day. Including two of my own favourites: Peach Avalanche Roses and Orchids, this bouquet is packed with feminine tones and floral scents. It oozes elegance and is intricately designed with a special recipient in mind.

Researching into traditions of floral gifting, it pleased me to see that culturally, flowers all signify deeper and loving meanings across communities. With roses being the most meaningful flower across the globe, it is no wonder that they are a key component within this bouquet. I've always said that flowers are the ultimate gift, and their ability to make a woman smile and feel special is undoubtable. This was proved recently by my ever so caring partner. I've had a strange few weeks, and my mindset had taken a hit. When my tough time was reaching its peak, he came home with a bouquet that he had specifically picked out for me. Whilst care isn't shown through materialism, this was one of the few moments that made me smile that week. I understood what truly mattered most. He believed in me, supported and cared for me. It was the reminder that I needed, that the most important things in life are true happiness and the love and support of those around you. Your warmth, and care for those that you love is what matters, and vice versa.

As a private person, I don't often talk about my loved ones, because they are just that. However, I'm at a time in my life where I feel like I am sort of making it up as I go along. I'm a graduate and in my first year out of the University comfort blanket, and don't get me wrong, I'm learning more than I ever have. I know that risks are being taken and decisions are being made, often without the knowledge of what is happening next or where I will be this time next year. As a child, your parents are always there every step of the way, even when you take that for granted, and years fly by with little change. Adulthood is tough. I can't sugar coat it, it is what it is. Having the support network of my family for advice or courage is unbeatable, and I cannot express my gratitude enough that I have that from them, especially when the future seems unpredictable.

That being said, the name Mother's Day connotes gratitude towards your mother, but this doesn't have to be the case if it isn't the right fit. Whether it's your mother, your step-mother, your best friend, your Auntie, your Grandma, or Susan from down the road, please don't be afraid to show someone that you are grateful for their never ending support. Give them the uplift and gift that they deserve this year to say thank you for all the times that they have uplifted you. It will make you feel good too.

~ Links to Shop ~
Wild Flowers Hat Box (as featured)

Other suggestions that you may like:
Avalanche Allure Hat Box

With special thanks to my mum - Happy Mother's Day!

 *AD - Paid partnership. This post contains gifted and sponsored content

AD - Give the Gift of Gratitude This Mother's Day

Monday 11 February 2019

AD - 5 Ways to Say I Love You

When something is so beautiful, it's hard not to want to share it! After being gifted these roses from Haute Florist, it inspired me to write a Valentine's themed blog post.

~ 5 Ways to Show You Love Her ~

1. A bouquet of flowers. Of course, I had to begin with this one! Flowers can really brighten up someone's day, and for me they are the ideal gift. As the ultimate symbol of love, giving something of such natural beauty will definitely translate your feelings and care for that special person. If you're inspired by the fifty five roses arranged in a ribbon tied hat box above, you can shop the same hat box here or alternatively, there are other options available on the Haute Florist website for a range of different budgets.

2. A sentimental card is always important and it is also a great way to voice your feelings, especially if you find it difficult to say it aloud. Be sure to pay attention to the design that you pick out! Get one that reminds you of her, or get creative and design one of your own with pictures of you both and your favourite memories.

3. If you want to be extra sweet, a frame of you and her would be a lovely and very thoughtful gift. Pick a picture of you both off of her Instagram/Facebook so that you know she definitely likes the image before you get it printed and framed!

4. Cook her a romantic meal. Light some candles, or add some fairy lights to add to the romance. Treat her to her favourite foods, she will appreciate the extra thought. A special date will create a memory that will last a lifetime.

5. Nothing beats a personal touch. Add a thoughtful element to your Valentine's date to show her that you listen to her. Think of her hobbies, her likes, and her obsessions, this could be as simple as playing her favourite movie after your romantic meal!

Wishing you all a lovely Valentine's Day this week, but remember, the above points can be used at any time, not just when the world tells you to share your love!

Happy Valentine's!

*AD - This post includes gifted products, and sponsored content.

AD - 5 Ways to Say I Love You

Saturday 2 February 2019

5 Ways to Improve Your Sleep


The five letter word that can cause us so much anxiety, and completely impact how we see the world day-to-day. I've never been a morning person. I could stay up all night googling, scrolling, or watching and then never want to get up in the morning. This got me into a very unhealthy sleeping pattern as a teenager, that spiralled when I went to University. I was partying at night, and then sleeping most of my day away, as a lot of students do. I had glandular fever in my first year of University and I was understandably exhausted. However, this exhaustion continued, as the long battle of fighting post-glandular fever fatigue began. I fell into a routine of getting twelve hours of sleep, sometimes more, a night.

When I finally got over the fatigue, I had an awful relationship with sleep. I always thought that I had to get enough sleep, but getting too much also became harmful. I felt so unproductive, lethargic, and therefore, miserable! I knew that I had to try and get a better routine, and so I step by step worked on improving my night time habits in order to aid my quality of sleep.

The first thing I did was to ensure that I had no screen time before sleep whilst in my bed. The light from your phone screen keeps your eyes and brain awake, making it much harder to switch off and fall asleep. Switch off to switch off! I actually took it to another level, and I now leave my phone in a different room to avoid temptation. In my line of work, I'm constantly looking at screens, so I always take this as a moment to pause and give my eyes a rest!

"Switch off to switch off!"

I replaced scrolling through my news feed with a book. A good old fashioned book, with paper pages and that comforting new book smell. There was no Kindle in sight! I used to read as a child, before the internet was really a thing, but then in my teens, I gave up reading for Facebook instead. I find that sad now as I look back, but at least I am now making up for it! I began with a few books that could improve my knowledge on topics that were important to me, such as business, mental health, and fitness. Although, I'm currently enjoying fiction as my brain wanders off from my world into someone else's. I recently read Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman and I loved it, so if you're thinking of a book to read, I would most definitely recommend that!

Winding down in the evening is very important when it comes to the quality of your sleep and how quickly you can fall asleep too. I typically train in the gym after work, which tires me out, although for some this may have the opposite effect! I end up eating fairly late, which isn't always ideal, but my body is now used to it. I like to relax with an hour or two of TV. I avoid caffeine past 5 o'clock, and I don't over-do eating sugar, despite enjoying a small after dinner sweet treat!

I find essential oils extremely helpful when I feel particularly stressed out. I drip a few drops of Olbus Oil under my pillow to aid my breathing during the night. Some of my favourite, but higher budget, aromatherapy products include: Aromatherapy Associates Muscle Gel (the best product for anyone with tense muscles or a sore neck and traps!), Neom Pressure Point Roller (this roll-on scent is so calming, I apply it to my wrists and then take a few deep breaths in and out through my nose), Aromatherapy Associates facial oil in Inner Strength (this facial oil is great for dry skin, with a gorgeous relaxing scent).

Finally, I invested in an affordable alarm clock. There's no bells or whistles, it simply does the job. Since setting my alarm clock to wake me up in the morning, I have developed a much better routine and sleeping pattern. As a result, I feel much more rewarded, and productive with my day. I now get around eight hours sleep a night. Eight hours is still a fair amount for someone of my age, but I realised my body definitely works best on this amount of sleep, and my mood is greatly improved.

In summary:

- Leave your phone in a different room
- No screen time in bed
- Calm your brain and read a book
- Wind down in the evening
- Consider mindfulness and aromatherapy products
- Purchase an alarm clock

What are your top tips for getting a great nights sleep? Leave a comment below!

~ Links to shop ~

Find a pair similar to my pyjamas here

*This post includes gifted products and affiliate links.

5 Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Friday 28 December 2018

New Year Reflection | The 2018 Edition

It's been a year of new eras, moving on, and growing up. If you've not yet taken a chance to reflect on 2018, let's look back together on what went right. Rather annoyingly, it is so easy for our brains to automatically judge our year as negative, reminding ourselves of all the things that didn't quite go to plan. However, with rain comes rainbows, and this is our chance to change how we reflect, instead of jumping to negative conclusions and statements. Whether you improved your skills, you got that promotion at work, you achieved or worked towards a goal, you finished or started education, or something a little smaller like having a go at something that you once thought you couldn't.

"Finish your year on a good note, 

take from it what you need, 

and keep going."

I'll kick this off, and share with you a few positives from my own past year. I guess the main one is finally gaining my degree. It was quite possibly the hardest experience of my whole life, but overcoming the obstacles, working my way through the difficult times, succeeding and sometimes not reaching my own expectations, all led to a final success which I overcame with pride. What did I learn? I learned that I need to believe in myself more. I didn't at all, and those around me at that time knew it too. Since completing my undergraduate course, my belief in myself has been on the rise. I think that it helps when you're doing something that you are truly passionate about career-wise, but generally, I feel much more capable. Without going into too much detail, I was completely fighting the odds when writing my dissertation. The only way to describe what I was going through was absolute chaos. I fought myself every time into research, meetings, and library sessions whilst writing my thesis. It focused on the objectification of our bodies within the digital world, a topic that was relevant and had context to our millennial culture. I not only passed that dissertation, I got a grade of 72. A first class dissertation that I had earned through every single word, every single struggle, and every single stress. That was a proud moment of 2018.

I graduated amongst my friends and my family, with a second class first division degree in BA Art. Although, I didn't reach a first class overall, I don't beat myself up over it because I know how much it took from me, what I gave, and what I didn't have left to give. I spread my time across my passions, my degree, but also a job, and that was my decision.

"I don't beat myself up over it because

I know how much it took from me, what I gave, 

and what I didn't have left to give."

Post graduation, I began my career in social media marketing as a Social Media Manager for an activewear brand. I manage blogging around my day-job, and I still completely adore it. Up until a few months ago, I was juggling three jobs. I was enjoying each job, but I felt under so much pressure. I barely had any time for myself or my loved ones, and so I made the decision to cut down my commitments. I had so many jobs on my brain at once, jumping from one to the other, and I couldn't switch off. This was a big step in my own decision making, something I've never been overly strong at. Since then, I've felt more independent than I ever have and I live each day my own way.

"In my early teenage years, 
I always thought that at twenty-two
 people had their life together, 
but I'm definitely beginning to realise that 
we are all just making it up
 as we go along!"

On the Evie Rose Lane side of things, my blog and social media platforms have once again brought me to some fabulous places and events this year. Places, such as The Ivy Chelsea and The Dorchester were most definitely at the top of my favourites list! I've been able to place more time and effort into my content since completing my degree, and that is something that I have massively enjoyed, particularly on Instagram. Investing this time has brought more value to my brand, more enjoyment to my work, and has curated a story-telling theme to the imagery that I share with you all.

Another passion of mine that I have managed to stay consistent with this year is fitness. Despite changing gyms, moving home, and changing up my daily routine, I have managed to keep my training regular. I have pushed further, tried out new exercises, and I continue to build on being the best version of myself.

Of course, negatives have also tested me this year, like they probably will have all of us. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, we must take from the experiences what we need, and keep going. It does no good for us to automatically exclaim how awful our year has been, disregarding everything that we did well or the good things that happened to us. I used to be that person, dwelling on the awful things that I had gone through, when I should have been proud of the me that was fighting through each day, and overcoming that negativity. I may have had a turbulent year in some aspects, but not in all, and I'm certainly not going to let those "some aspects" determine and re-write my all.

A few reflection questions to ask yourself...

The answers can be as small or large as you like. I've noted fairly large moments above, but other examples include reading several books this year, getting up earlier, and teaching myself more about editing photography. Why not note down your answers with the questions, and you can try this all again next year.

- What did I do this year that went well?
- Where did I go that I really enjoyed?
- What did I improve on this year?
- What did I stay consistent at this year?
- What did I work towards completing or have I completed this year?
- What am I proud of myself for?
- What was a really great moment to remember this year?

Here's to 2018, and wishing you all a very Happy New Year!

New Year Reflection | The 2018 Edition

Evie Rose Lane - Life & Style © . Design by FCD.